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What Should I Tell Her????

G.P. asks from Fayetteville

My three year old has seen her biological father only a hand full of times. Pretty much he does not care about her..he has never paid any child support, he doesnt vi...


Tell Me How

M.C. asks from La Crosse

How do you get the motivation to exercise every day? I have no motivation to start even though I know I need to lose about 50 lbs. I want to lose it, but I still fi...


Tell Me

D.B. asks from Spokane

SO i have recently broken up with my husband of two years, we are in the process of divorce, although he has not communicated with me in over a month or his almost tw...


So Tell Me About Home Schooling

J.W. asks from Denver

I am thinking of home schooling my 2 boys next year but really want advice from other moms. Pros and Cons??


To Tell or Not to Tell...

D. asks from New York

O.k. I have a VERY observant 4 yr old. He seriously notices EVERYTHING. Well, last night while he slept his fish (a beta that he got for his b-day 3 mos ago. That ...


Need to Tell Someone, Waiting to Tell Husband

I.X. asks from Los Angeles

pregnant with third I was on the fence husband really wanted another. I am sweaty and hot, almost shaking, but don't want to tell him yet. This has got to be big s...


How Do You Tell a 9 Y/o He Has Asperger's?

E.H. asks from Philadelphia

how do you tell a 9 y/o he has Asperger's?


Do You Tell Your SO Everything Friends Tell You? Spin off from Molly

J.M. asks from Philadelphia

Molly's question reminded mw of the question I set out to ask yesterday and comlpetely forgot about. What is ok to keep from them? M. and my bf were debating this...


How Do You Tell If a Bone Is Broken?

J.K. asks from Fayetteville

Just curious, how do you tell on someone else if a wrist/hand/arm area is broken? what are the signs? And how do you tell if a shoulder is dislocated?? please and ...


How to Tell a Daughter We Can't Have Pets in an Apartment

G.M. asks from Kansas City

I have tried and tired over and over and so has my soon to be ex to tell my 8 yr old that she has to wait to get a cat. she tries to take my fiancees cat home and we ...

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Answer Highlights

  • went to fishy heaven in 2 answers "... doesn't have to be a big long discussion- just say that he went to fishy heaven ..."
  • get back into shape in 4 answers "I also have very difficult pregnancies and was excited to get back into shape (and ..."
  • responses to your last question in 2 answers "I read the responses to your last question and agree with most of those."
  • your childs pace in 2 answers "Pros: You can move at your child's pace, stay longer on one subject and move ahead ..."
  • get your priorities in 3 answers "I mean, really, think about this. Get your priorities in order - son, son, son ..."