new relationships

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Father/ Daughter Relationships

K.F. asks from Cincinnati

Hi I am a 39 year old divorced mom of a 13 year old. My ex has never really bonded well with my daughter. He refused to change a diaper, give a bath ,feed her, read...


Parenting Advice for a New Blended Family...

L.B. asks from Atlanta

When I met my husband my daughter was barely 2, however she is about to turn four and I must say, being a blended family may be harder than we anticipated. We worry ...


New School - Need Some Ideas!

C.S. asks from Rockford

We moved over the summer and have started at a new school. It's only the end of the first week so I'm not too worried but I'm not a good conversation starter so I'm l...


New to the neighborhood..what Would Be the Polite Response?

A.J. asks from Minneapolis

So I just moved into a house on Monday and today while I was gone they brought over baked goods and a welcome card with some info about who they are and kids, cell ph...


Starting a New School!

R.M. asks from Atlanta

I am looking for good advice how to alleviate my daughters anxiety over beginning middle school. My child informed me that she would like to be home-Schooled! I f...


Relationships with Nieces and Nephews

J.B. asks from Boston

Just curious to know how much of a relationship you have with your nieces and nephews and how much your children have with their aunts and uncles. It has always bothe...


My New Punishment/rewards System....

C.L. asks from Charlottesville

I'm trying something new so let me know what you think... I think I've found my boys' "currency": video games. They are not allowed to play during the week, only on...


Close Sibling Relationships

N.Z. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 3.5 year old daughter and a 16 month old son. There are rare instances when they play together, but generally, my daughter is dealing with having a little b...


Help at My New Career!

T.L. asks from St. Louis

After being at my new job for 2 months now I have had several trips to the bosses office. All good telling me how impressed they are about how I just step it up and ...


Need to Find New Hobby...

S.F. asks from Chicago

Ok, so I am going thru a divorce right now which has not been the easiest decision on my part, but the best for me and my girls and I have recently taken to a new hob...

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