Just Venting...

Updated on December 09, 2010
K.H. asks from New York, NY
21 answers

hi moms,

i just needed a place to vent so here i am...

i have an amazingly adorable 18 month old daughter and i have the pleasure of staying at home with her. it's been great to stay at home after working the first year of her life. but there are ups and downs, and today was the downs. she didn't nap, didn't want to eat dinner, finally put her to sleep without any fuss, then woke up 3 hours later and won't go back to sleep. my husband, who normally helps out a lot, has been working late hours and today was his first day home at a regular time. well, as exhausted as he is from work and needs a break, today was also a day that i needed a break, too. it sucks that both of us needed a break at the same time.

we were doing laundry when our daughter woke up, and i told him i would transfer from washer to dryer (we take some clothes to air dry) and he said he knows what to take out, so i should go in to soothe our daugther. well, an hour later, i am getting frustrated and all of a sudden hungry. my daughter would fall asleep and wake up as soon as i am leaving her room. finally, after an hour i couldn't take it any more, as i was getting so frustrated and emotional all of a sudden, that i came out of the room and told my husband to go in. then i found that he did not take out the clothes from the washer properly and i just lost it. i started to cry in the laundry room. i was annoyed that my husband's "r&r" is really a true definition of "r&r" of watching tv or doing something relaxing, when my "r&r" is just a break from taking care of my daughter to cooking meals for the next day and getting things ready for the next day. so basically, one chore to the next. i was incredibly frustrated at the situation.

oh boy.

this could be because i am 31 weeks pregnant with our second child... and all of a sudden the reality of doing all the house work with two kids are settling in... or what... but today was not a good day for me.

just venting.

thanks, moms for your listening ear, if you're reading this post.

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answers from New York on

I think every Mom should be able to relate to this. And if they don't relate- they've got nannies and housekeepers!

It's so hard, and the venting really does help. I am alone all week with 2 kids, my husband travels to Canada. I do everything alone. My in-laws help occasionally, but it's tough. The nights are the worst...if the kids give me a hard time in the evenings, my husband isn't here to help and it's very frustrating.

Hang in there. We all have good days and very, very bad days. I try to remember that the kids won't be small forever and that one day, I'll miss all this chaos.

Good luck!

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answers from Johnson City on

Moms have it harder than dads when it comes to a full time job. My husband broke his foot and was home for 3 months. So he got to see the 24/7 work that went in......he appreciated me staying home so much more after that. Hugs sweetie!!!

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answers from New York on

Agh - I feel your pain! I hope you are feeling better now. I was feeling that frustration last night...as I do most nights at aruond 9:00 pm after a full day of working then coming home and taking care of everything. Hopefully you were able to get a decent nights sleep so you feel better today! Congrats on the pregnancy! Hope you ups are plenty and your downs are few! : )

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answers from New York on

I hear you loud and clear! Last weekend I asked my husband what he had planned for the day, I was hoping to just have a little family time, not even time for myself, which I have pretty much given up on. He very stupidly responded, "I thought I'd have a little 'me' time today." All I remember is seeing red and my blood pressure rising. I completely lost it! He was terrified by my reaction and promply forgot about his 'me' time and took our older son on some errands.

LOL! Be clear about what you need and don't forget to remind him what your day is like if you have to.

Keep your chin up, I hope today is a better day.

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answers from Philadelphia on

We've ALL been there. Vent away! Tomorrow will be better so just hang in there.

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answers from New York on

Dear Songbird, I can so relate although it was a long time ago. Having had 3 children in less than three years and a husband at the time who did not help at all. I found that once I resigned myself to the fact that now I was mommy and the little ones needed me (they come first) and things would not get done as they once did...... it got better. Yes some days will be like that and some will be better. My words of encouragement are that you will survive! I did and many others too. Motherhood is not easy but very rewarding (when they are asleep and look like little angels) For me I re-married and had 2 more (16 mos. apart) Try to enjoy your child(ren) try not to panic and let it flow. Many blessings, Grandma Mary

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answers from New York on

I've definitely been there- SEVERAL times :) I had forgotten how incredibly tired pregnancy makes you when I am not pregnant. When you have number two, all that energy will come back, so don't worry so much about that.

I totally agree with the other moms that you should plan some time alone away from the house. It can be incredibly helpful. It doesn't help that the holidays are packing on the stress too right now.

Hugs and sleep wishes to you and your family!!

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answers from New York on

AWWW I feel for you. Vent away anytime, it helps. Congratulations on your pregnancy, do you know what you are having? What you have going on is a combination of hormones and being a stay at home mom which is much harder than going to work everyday. Remember one thing, you can't do everything and the housework will always be there. My doctor told me that when I was in your shoes and at the time I thought he was crazy but when I was on bedrest for the last half of my pregnancy as hard as it was I had to leave everything to my husband and kids and no they didn't do things like I do and the house has never been the same but I accepted it as it is and love my family for who they are. I did learn one thing, set up a "room a day" and do just that room. I work every Saturday and Sunday, have class on Tuesday mornings and clinical on Thursdays all day so what I do is Mondays is my day to strip beds and do laundry while studying, Tuesdays after class I come home and clean the kitchen and living room, Wednesdays I do the dining room and kitchen before going to the hospital to do my preclinical packet, and Fridays is grocery day, laundry and the bathrooms. My kids are responsible for their rooms and putting their own laundry away and every weekend while I am at work my little one vacuums the house. Also I do the cooking and my husband and kids do the clean up. I realize my kids are much older so it does make it a bit easier but you can do the same thing by taking one day to do each room and do the piddly things during the week like picking up toys, sorting laundry as needed, etc. Trust me it works once you realize you are not Super Woman.

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answers from St. Louis on

I think it has everything to do with the fact that your 31 weeks pregnant. Your body is working more than overtime, while your hormones are probably making you emotionally exhausted. I am not a nice pregnant person, and as soon as I pop that baby out, the world is wonderful again. Hang in there, its almost over. Just think, soon you will be recovering in the hospital with baby and you wont have to do anything for like 2-4 days! Wahoo, I personally cannot wait!!

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answers from New York on

I have felt that frustration too. I was very stressed during my second pregnancy worrying about how I would manage 2 kids. But eventually works out. Line up whatever help you can for the end of the pregnancy and first month or 2 with the new baby. It's hard adding a second baby but it gets better. It kind of goes in stages. The first 3 months are hard but it starts getting noticeably better after 3 months or so, then again at 6 months, a year, etc. Mine are will be turning 2 and 5 over the winter. My good friend has a 3 month old and a 3 year old and she is starting to resurface and occasionally get out and do things (even if she has to bring the baby).


answers from Phoenix on

sounds like you need a big day off. maybe plan something fun and get re-energized for your birth. have a friend take you out and pamper you, lunch, pedicure and just a nap. You deserve a great day . hope you make you a priority.



answers from Colorado Springs on

Some days are so hard! Hang in there. Tomorrow is a brand new day. Get some sweet sleep tonight, and remember that the laundry will always be there and it really isn't all that important in the grand scheme of things. Your relationships are! Blessings!



answers from New York on

Hi songbird, congrats on your pregnancy. You're going to be tired for sure as the weeks to months progress. Youre 18 month old probably had a bad day too. Just remember, the housework will always be there so put it on hold at noon when the baby takes a nap so you can too. Those two hours will revive you. I used to have a cleaning lady come and do a full house cleaning once a week. Through out the week I would do the vacuum once or twice just to pick up the dust. Is it possible to get a cleaning lady too? To make things quick I used and continue to use the swiffer duster thing. I just spray some wood polish on it and quickly run it through the furniture. I'm done in 20 minutes tops. So that you can avoid clutter through out the house, just remember that everything has its place. Remind your hubby that his clothing, all shoes, and toys must be put away as soon as they are finished being used. I have found that my cleaning time has been reduced significantly .As for the bathrooms, I wipe them down everyday right after they've been used. Don't wait for the evening to catch up on cleaning, you'll only exhaust yourself more. By 9-9:30 p.m I tell my husband that the kitchen is "closed" . Whatever he wants to eat or grab and munch on must be washed and put away neatly so that the kitchen remains clean for the 6:30 a.m wake up. You need to be relaxing on the couch reading a book, watching a t.v program or just getting to bed. I hope you don't mind me writing this to you.
We all need to vent out, I've done it a few times and the moms here were cool about everything. Good luck with everything.


answers from Cincinnati on



answers from Chicago on

Is it possible to hire someone for the next say six months to come in and help out a few days a week it may make the nights easier to handle if you are able to allow someone else to come in and clean/cook/laundry say 2 days a week it money is tight, some people that offer those services are good at cooking meals for the week where all you have to do is put it in the oven or crock pot and eat leftovers every other night. I get it, I did not have that option, plus my hubby worked for UPS (you can get home as late as 9pm) plus he was in a full time band and our kiddo has health issues. It is rough but please remember your child(ren) have YOU for a reason and keep that in your heart and mind when it is nights like that.



answers from San Francisco on

Being a mom is exhausting! And I agree, it is so hard when you both need a break!

You will have up days as well as down days, and I promise the ups will make everything worth it. Hang in there and try to get some sleep tonight!



answers from Spokane on

SO been there!! Just remember that tomorrow is a new day and the good days outnumber the bad.

You need to remember to make yourself a priority too. It's too easy for mom to get lost in the chaos of husband, kids, chores, life, etc. You need time to recharge your body, mind and soul or you're not going to be able to take care of anyone or anything. You deserve that care, that break, and you are worthy of it!!



answers from Kansas City on

Hang in there!!! Your hormones are out of whack--plus you're not sleeping!! Take a few deep breaths!



answers from Houston on

I can relate to all of this, because I also get frustrated often. I only have one child, but let me tell you that some days it seems like I have 2 kids. (hubby and the baby) There are days when I just want to run away and not come back, I work full time outside of the home and I am a mommy also. To top it off daddy works as a truck driver so he does not have set hours and that makes me do everything in the house. Let me tell you this, my house is not always clean as I would like for it to be. So we have a rule for the family, if they are coming over they need to call in advance. ;) it's hard being a mom but I would not trade it for the world. She depends on me and your kids depend on you. One day we are going to have this talk with our daughters or daughter in law. Hang in there and congratulations on your new baby. Look it's hard being a mom, but we are willing to do it over again a million times. I know I am, I can't wait to add another little midget to our family. Hopefully mid year next year I will have a baby bump! Baby dust this way please! Hang in there momma and we are here for you to vent!



answers from New York on

been there just hang in remember your housework is your job but your the boss it will be there tomorrow chill out enjoy the luxury of being home



answers from Seattle on

I'll pass along one of my favorite tricks EVER.

The working parent is not allowed to come straight home. Instead they stop somewhere NEAR home (within 2-5 minutes away). They wash their face, change their clothes, sit and read/ watch a movie/ nosh/ whatever they usually do at home (joys of laptops or portable dvd players and earphones for either). Then when they come hom 20-30 min later they are "on" and the SAHP gets 20-30 minutes to go veg out. No chores, cooking, laundry... nada. ACTUAL break time.

It just doesn't work for most couples to trade "breaks" while at home together; the one waiting is breathing down the other's neck, or the other feels they are and it takes twice as long to actually unwind... and both end up on edge and snappy.

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