My dr suggested at 38 weeks they could "strip my membrane" to help induce labor. Has anyone ever done this? My husband and think we should do it, what can it hurt? ...
Any ideas on how to get labor going? I am 39 1/2 weeks and I feel like a chicken stuffed with a turkey. I am ready. Is there anything I can do to gently convince m...
This past Friday I went in for my check up at 36 weeks and my Dr said I was 3cm dilated, 50% effaced and baby was really low... Today (5 days later), I went in and wa...
Ok i know this is going to sound weird BUT i am 33weeks along with my 4th child,I was induced with my other 3 so never had to deal with "natural" labor.I just found ...
This is my third pregnancy so I should know the baby comes when she's ready - but is there anything that MIGHT help it happen sooner?! <sigh> I've been dialated for 3...
So my books all say it could be awhile from the time you pass the mucous plug until labor actually begins. One book says a week or two. Anyone ever go that long after...
My due date was Sunday the 21st. So far, the doctor has said I am not dilated at all. I went in for a NST (stress test) on the baby and she seems fine. The sonogra...
I am attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) with my pregnancy this time. I am 37 1/2 weeks pregnant so I could go into labor at any time now. Because I am...
Im 40 weeks pregnant (due tomorrow) and about 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced, but having no contractions or other real indicators that I may deliver soon! My doctor sa...