My 15 week old is teething and can't seem to fit her teething toys into her mouth. The orajel addiction is fading. Washrags and popsicles are too messy. Any other hou...
My baby is about to turn one. She's been a cranky mess the last two days and she's woken up all hot and sweaty. Motrin cools her down but she's about to pull her ears...
i think my baby is teething but i am a little concerned. he has pink checks and a diaper rash. someone said diaper rash can be from teething is that true? i ve seem r...
Is it possible for a 11 week old baby to be teething? My son has been acting a little fussy. He has been drooling alot and sticking his whole hand in his mouth.
When is the earliest a baby can start teething? My baby girl Enza keeps chomping on her fingers, drooling, very cranky, and her cheeks are red. She just turned 3...
Is it normal for my 15 month old to be extra tired since he has been teething? His appetite is fine and he doesn't having any cold symptoms other than being extra sl...
My son is 6 1/2 months and had been teething for about 5 months. Ive been giving him the 'teething biscuits', he doesn't have any teeth yet. However he is biting them...
does oragel work for teething infants? what suggestions do you have for me and my 6 month old. he was able to start motrin--which seemed to help--but wondered if ther...
do babys get fevers when they are teething? I hear both!! It alittle crazy. My 9mth has a fever and she acting like her mouth hurt. so what do you guys out there think?
can an 11 week old be teething. He likes to chew on my hand and his, and has been cranky in the last couple of days. or is this to early and he's just being cranky.